Less is more: Why I love static sites

Steven leabo
1 min readMar 19, 2022

There is something so rewarding about trying to build a project using the least amount of resources possible.

That’s why I love building static sites. I started web development with notepad++ and some raw HTML code. Then in my intro to web development class in college we used software like Adobe Dreamweaver. It was bloated and confusing to use. Once I got in the field I knew real devs used VS Code, terminals, containers, VMs. So much software, it just feels like so much more can go wrong.

For what I do, I like to live somewhere in the middle. VS Code with some SSGs (static site generators) is my niche. Jekyll, Gatsby, NextJS, JAM stacks. They’re so fun to use, adding more flexibility and power.

One of my favorite pastimes is converting designs to static markup. I’ve been doing so on https://www.codewell.cc/ which is a cool service where they supply the designs, and you submit your result, converting it to HTML, CSS, JS.

I’ve been tracking my progress via this site: https://codewell-index.netlify.app/ I’m not getting paid or sponsored, it’s just fun to do. It’s like drawing with code. Very relaxing. I’ll be updating more as time allows.



Steven leabo

I’m a web developer from Central New York that likes to build cool stuff. Reach out to me if you’re interested in working together.